Shawn McDonald - Waltz In 3 Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Waltz In 3
  • Album: Roots
  • Artist: Shawn McDonald
  • Released On: 01 Jan 2008
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Shawn McDonald Waltz In 3

Waltz In 3 Lyrics

Sometimes I wanna jump from
This tree that I've climbed up in
And trust that You will catch me
And keep me safe from harm

Oh, I want to let go
And trust that You are in control

Won't You take me and make me
Beautiful, beautiful?
Won't You take me and make me
Beautiful, beautiful?

Sometimes I feel like I am
Stuck in a hot air balloon
Floating through the open
And longing to be down with You

Oh, I want to let go
And trust that You are in control

Won't You take me and make me
Beautiful, beautiful?
Won't You take me and make me
Beautiful, beautiful?

Won't You take me and make me
Beautiful, beautiful?
Won't You take me and make me
Beautiful, beautiful?

Waltz In 3 Video

Waltz In 3 Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Waltz In 3 by Shawn McDonald is a beautiful and heartfelt song that carries deep messages of trust, surrender, and finding peace in God's presence.

Introduction: Setting the Stage

Waltz In 3 is a song by Shawn McDonald, a Christian singer-songwriter known for his introspective and honest lyrics. The song opens with the lines, "Sometimes I wanna jump from this tree that I've climbed up in, and trust that You will catch me." These words immediately capture the essence of the song, conveying a sense of vulnerability and a longing to fully trust in God's providence.

Verse 1: Letting Go and Trusting in God's Control

The first verse continues with the lyrics, "And keep me safe from harm. Oh, I want to let go and trust that You are in control." Here, the songwriter expresses a desire to relinquish control and surrender to God's guidance. The imagery of jumping from a tree and trusting in God to catch him portrays a willingness to let go of personal plans and rely on God's protection.

Chorus: Praying for Transformation

The chorus of the song repeats the powerful plea, "Won't You take me and make me beautiful, beautiful?" This line speaks to the songwriter's desire for God to transform him, to shape him into something beautiful. It reflects a deep longing for inner change and a willingness to be molded by God's hands.

Verse 2: Longing for Connection with God

In the second verse, the songwriter compares himself to being stuck in a hot air balloon, floating through the open sky but yearning to be down with God. The lyrics state, "Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a hot air balloon, floating through the open and longing to be down with You." This imagery portrays a sense of detachment from God's presence and a desire for a closer relationship. The songwriter expresses a deep longing to be grounded in God's love and to experience His presence in a more tangible way.

Chorus: Reiterating the Desire for Transformation

The chorus is repeated once again, emphasizing the songwriter's plea for God's transformation. The repetition of the line "Won't You take me and make me beautiful, beautiful?" reinforces the songwriter's longing for inner change and a deeper connection with God.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song Waltz In 3 carries a profound message of surrendering to God's control, longing for transformation, and seeking a deeper connection with Him. It speaks to the universal human experience of desiring to let go of our own plans and trust in a higher power. The songwriter's vulnerability and honesty create an intimate atmosphere, inviting listeners to reflect on their own relationship with God.

The inspiration behind the song may vary for each listener, as personal experiences and circumstances shape individual interpretations. However, the overarching theme of trust and surrender remains constant. The songwriter's desire to let go, be transformed, and experience a deeper connection with God resonates with many who have experienced similar struggles and longings.

Biblical Analysis

To determine if the song Waltz In 3 aligns with biblical principles, we can examine its key messages in light of scripture. The song emphasizes trust, surrender, and transformation, which are all biblical concepts.

1. Trust in God's Control

The idea of trusting in God's control is a recurring theme throughout the Bible. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Similarly, Psalm 37:5 encourages us to "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this." The songwriter's plea to trust in God's control aligns with these biblical teachings.

2. Surrendering to God's Will

Surrendering to God's will is another biblical principle emphasized in the song. Jesus himself exemplified surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane when he prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42). Additionally, Romans 12:1-2 urges believers to offer themselves as living sacrifices, surrendering their own desires and conforming to God's will. The songwriter's desire to let go and trust in God's plan echoes this biblical teaching.

3. Transformation in God's Hands

The song's emphasis on transformation aligns with the biblical concept of sanctification. 2 Corinthians 3:18 states, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." The songwriter's plea to be made beautiful by God reflects a desire for inner change and conformity to the image of Christ.


In conclusion, Waltz In 3 by Shawn McDonald is a poignant and introspective song that carries deep messages of trust, surrender, and finding peace in God's presence. The songwriter's vulnerability and honesty create a relatable atmosphere, inviting listeners to reflect on their own relationship with God. The song's emphasis on trust, surrender, and transformation aligns with biblical principles, highlighting the songwriter's desire to align his life with God's will. Through its heartfelt lyrics and meaningful messages, Waltz In 3 encourages listeners to let go, trust God, and experience His transformative power in their lives.

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